Afghanistan Ministry of Finance Performance Monitoring and Reporting
“A promise has been made… It is a promise to the poor, to the youth, the women, the excluded that they will be citizens of a State that they will enjoy living in and prosper.” Ashraf Ghani, President of Afghanistan, Brussels Conference, October 2016
In partnership with Chemonics International, MetaMetrics has been providing technical assistance and training since 2012 to the Afghan Ministry of Finance. This work has focused on improving organizational capacity to conduct effective program evaluation. In 2017, technical assistance to the Budget Performance Monitoring Unit included review of current evaluation and reporting practices, recommendations for improvements, and capacity-building through training workshops. Outcomes included training of more than 100 participants representing 32 Ministries and Government Agencies, and specific recommendations concerning how the Budget Performance Monitoring Unit can better support business units in reporting, analysis, and ongoing training.
Client USAID Office of Economic Policy, Public Financial Management Services (PFM IDIQ)
Partner Chemonics International
Areas Evaluation, Training, Economic Reform
Duration 2017